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  • Writer's picturemanthramohana1

Why Apple isn't truly a fruit

Yes, Everthing we have learnt since the age of 5 is a lie. The basic concept deemed to be common sense is wrong. The very first example we get in our heads when we think of fruits - Apple- isn't a true fruit.

(Does this writer like to be overly dramatic? Yes, yes she does, especially when caffeine deprived )

To properly understand what a 'fruit' is , we need to know the process leading upto fruit formation.

This starts with the flower.

The flower has several parts which are shown in the above image.

After fertilisation, where the male pollen grain fuses with the femaile ovules present in the ovary - post fertilisation changes occurs. This includes.

  • The ovary consequently becomes the fruit

  • The ovule consequently becomes the seed

  • The integument of the ovules ( basically the outer part covering the ovule) become the seed coat of the seed

  • The sepals of the calyx and the petals of the corolla fall off

Now the issue of true and false fruit begins from which part the fruit is formed.

If the fruit is formed from the ovary - It is considered a true fruit . Egs :- Mango, Kiwi, Plums, Pears, Watermelon, Orange, Grapes

If the fruit is formed frrom the thalamus- It is considered a false fruit. Egs:- cashew,strawberry, pineapple, mulberry,apples, pears.

So the part of apple which we usually eat is actually the pseudo or false fruit part and throw the core or the true fruit part!

now a meme to end this blog

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