The Periodic Table of Elements.
The heart and soul of chemistry, without which any study in Chemistry will become enormously tedious... It's just irony that learning this same periodic table is considered as a herculean and tedious task by many students. "Why do we need to learn a whole new language?" is the cribbing and moaning of most high schoolers! Well say no more!!
Just remember " Hi, Hello Listen BBC News on Friday Night!"
Hmm... Now, I know you are wondering how listening to BBC news is going to solve your problem. Don't worry I am not asking you to sacrifice your Friday nights, because in actuality that sentence is a mneumonic!
(To all the ones who are wondering what a MNEUMONIC is - It is a small phrase or sentence, whose first letters help in associating and remembering a concept)
In this Mneumonic, we will be considering the symbols of the elements :-
Name of the element - Symbol - Mnemonic
Hydrogen - H - Hi
Helium - He - Hello
Lithium - Li - Listen
Berylium - Be - B
Boron - B - B
Carbon - C - C
Nitrogen - N - News
Oxygen - O - On
Fluorine - F - Friday
Neon - Ne - Night
So, that covers the first 10 elements of the Periodic table.
For the next 10 " Na Maango Allah Se Pepsi ,Soda ,Cola Aur Kaju Catli"
( ना माँगो अल्लाह से पेप्सी, सोड़ा, कोला और काजू कतली -- for the ones who know Hindi and to the people who don't know Hindi - The mnemonic basically means Don't ask Allah for Pepsi Soda Cola and Cashew Katli)
Sodium - Na - Na
Magnesium - Mg - Maango
Aluminium - Al - Allah
Silicon - Si - Si (se)
Phosphorous - P - Pepsi
Sulphur - S - Soda
Chlorine - Cl - Cola
Argon - Ar - Aur
Pottasium - K- Kaju
Calcium - Ca - Catli (Katli)
As crazy as it might sound , listening to BBC News while eating Kaju Katli is actually going to help you in your Chemistry exam! 🤣😬