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  • Writer's picturemanthramohana1

Why shouldn't we eat Fish and Milk products together?

Fish and milk products both are very popular food items throughout the world, especially in a country like India with its endless coastlines making fishery its prime source of income and many Indian traditions which consider cow as holy.

From a young age, I have heard many people say this statement, " Fish and Milk products are not supposed to be taken together". Myself being a vegeterian didn't seem to understand the logic behind this age-old statement, until one of my friends actually got sick because of this woeful combination.

That got me thinking "Why is Fish and Milk products a bad combination?"

If you are wondering the same... Keep reading!

Ayurvedic explantions

According to ayurveda, Fish and Milk are considered to be part of two different diet styles, Fish is part of non-vegeterian diet while Milk ,though is from an animal source, plays a huge role in the vegeterian diet as a important source of protien.

They have polar opposite effects on our body, Fish is said to have a heating effect while milk had cooling effect. Combining these two creates a imbalance leading to various chemical changes in our body.

Immunity system

People with weak immune systems are especially asked to avoid this combination. Both Fish and Milk are important sources of protein but their compositions are contrasting. Due to this, they need different digestive juices to break them down into smaller particles. This stress on the digestice system and imbalance can wreck havoc in our system , causing changes chemically and further weakening the immune system.

Scientific explanations

Scientifically, it is said that reactions are observed only when the person is allergic to either milk products (lactose intolerent) or fish. This combination doesn't have exact scientific proof on whether is is bad for health or good. In many modern cooking styles (like the Mediterranean ) fish and milk products like curd is used to create mouth- watering dishes!

In a nutshell,

Though there are no solid scientific explantions to this theory, it is best to avoid this combination as it had various ayurvedic and traditional theories backing up its disadvantage to our health...

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